Art Workshop:
We All Have A Story Restorative Practice

Presented by Leaf Seligman, restorative practitioner, and Mary Abma, artist

Part I: Exploration of Origins: Poetry

Using the poem, Where I’m From by George Ella Lyons as a template, participants craft an exploration of their origins.

Part II: We All Have A Story: Mosaic Making

Join artist, Mary Abma for an art experience in which participants will be invited to tell their stories through mixed-media artistic expression. Participants will learn strategies for abstract storytelling, mosaic techniques, and will learn how to use colour, texture, and scale to create memorable artworks.

Part III: We Tell Our Stories: Story Circle

We sit in a story circle to share stories that emerge from the poems and the mosaics. Employing the four verbs of restorative practice: notice, wonder, acknowledge, appreciate—participants have the opportunity to relate, empathize, inquire, and connect with one another.

Each portion of the day cultivates awareness of self and surroundings, including the people who populate our stories. How we choose to tell a particular story, and how we characterize the people in it, determines whether we build connection or unravel it. When we allow ourselves to engage with curiosity and compassion in lieu of judgment or expectation, we access our whole selves, giving us a fuller experience and a richer palette of meaning and connection.


Victim-Offender Dialogue


Restore You